Get out there

I recently took a magical two days off and headed out to the mountains. As many may know, I’m a big fan of mountain days… spending quality time immersed in nature and soaking up fresh mountain air can surely only lead to great things!


This trip was no different. To get me into an inspirational mood, I downloaded a podcast from The School of Greatness to listen to on the drive down. I can’t recommend listening to these podcasts enough. Thanks to Google maps and a bit of exploring, I found a new dirt track leading deep into a wadi or billabong as the Aussies would call it. As I drove deeper into the valley, the track got rougher and rougher and I was into low range, first gear and differential lock…. or in non car junkie speak… the track got really rocky and technical. All in all, a stunning drive with magical views.

When I got as far as I could go, I parked the car next to a decent size tree and before anything else, pulled the hammock out. Chill time! With all the recent rain, the mountains were surprisingly green with small mountain flowers everywhere. I’ve been in the Hajar mountains tons of times but never seen it so green.

I had three objectives:

  1. Some long trail runs as I’ve got a big racing coming up at the end of the month
  2. Some creative brainstorming… I took a big note-book for the necessary scribble and free flow of ideas
  3. Some al fresco snoozing in my hammock, of course!

Why am I writing this? Simple. I whole-heartedly encourage others to find their own outlet and take time off. Call it down time, me time or creative time… whatever! Just taking time out from the normal routine and rhythm of life leads to new ideas. If we keep on doing the same things in the same way, it can only ever return the same results. You don’t necessary have to drive out to the mountains… even a few hours by yourself on the beach, in a city park or on a boat will do the trick.

I know that finding time can sometimes prove tough but that’s not an excuse. Just try it. And keep an open mindset. I know in my own case, it was a push to get away. Tight deadlines, a book in print production, pending editing work and emails… yet I know how I return from such a mini break. I feel revived, relaxed and ready to take on the world.
